Tuesday, June 15, 2010

New York Divorce and Family Law: Think Before You Post

Just came across a web site that states that New York State has no - No Fault Divorce. Meaning you must have a ground for a divorce. Which is current, but the web site then goes on to state that most people just put down "Constructive Abandonment or Abandonment" To get around the grounds requirement. To advertise this on a website, considering you must put the terms of the ground and attest to them under oath and on the record before a Judge seems incredibly un-ethical, even if it is some what true. Any opinions?

Constructive Abandonment is when one partner refuses to have sex with the other for one year, without any justification (such as a medical reason for not being able to perform) for refusing such and after being asked to have sexual relations.

Abandonment is when one partner leaves the home and is away for at least one year.

Other grounds for divorce are as follows:

(1) The cruel and inhuman treatment of the plaintiff by the defendant such that the conduct of the defendant so endangers the physical or mental well being of the plaintiff as renders it unsafe or improper for the plaintiff to cohabit with the defendant,

(2) The confinement of the defendant in prison for a period of three or more consecutive years after the marriage of plaintiff and defendant.

(3) The commission of an act of adultery, provided that adultery for the purposes of articles ten, eleven, and eleven-A of this chapter, is hereby defined as the commission of an act of sexual intercourse, oral sexual conduct or anal sexual conduct, voluntarily performed by the defendant, with a person other than the plaintiff after the marriage of plaintiff and defendant. Oral sexual conduct and anal sexual conduct include, but are not limited to, sexual conduct as defined in subdivision two of section 130.00 and subdivision three of section 130.20 of the penal law.

(4) The husband and wife have lived apart pursuant to a decree or judgment of separation for a period of one or more years after the granting of such decree or judgment, and satisfactory proof has been submitted by the plaintiff that he or she has substantially performed all the terms and conditions of such decree or judgment.

(5) The husband and wife have lived separate and apart pursuant to a written agreement of separation, subscribed by the parties thereto and acknowledged or proved in the form required to entitle a deed to be recorded, for a period of one or more years after the execution of such agreement and satisfactory proof has been submitted by the plaintiff that he or she has substantially performed all the terms and conditions of such agreement. Such agreement shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the county wherein either party resides. In lieu of filing such agreement, either party to such agreement may file a memorandum of such agreement, which memorandum shall be similarly subscribed and acknowledged or proved as was the agreement of separation and shall contain the following information: (a) the names and addresses of each of the parties, (b) the date of marriage of the parties, (c) the date of the agreement of separation and (d) the date of this subscription and acknowledgment or proof of such agreement of separation.

Until Next Time,

Helen M. Dukhan, Esq., LL.M. @ www.DukhanLaw.com


  1. How can constructive abandonment (the lack of sex for a year) even be proven? Its one person's word against the other.

  2. Devon: Exactly. Typically, the parties will agree to this ground. However, when they don't they have to bring in either people to testify to their behalf or go through a trial where they must give testimony and the judge must decide which party they believe.

    Thanks for writing! I appreciate the comment!

    Helen M. Dukhan, Esq., LL.M. @ www.dukhanlaw.com
